Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wax On...Wax Off...

Ladies! Bikini Season is in a few months... Scratch that!!! Forget bikini season, it's BOO season. Which means there's no better time like the present to get a good ole bikini wax.

Here are my Spa picks for waxing in the DC Area:

Some helpful tips:
  1. If it's your first time, try the Bikini and not a Brazilian. Take baby steps into the world of waxing.
  2. As with any waxing, do not do it a week within your period. You will bleed more during and after the wax! Apparently our skin is more sensitive during the coming and going of our cycles.
  3. Let hair grow 2-3centimeters in length before waxing.
  4. Drink a glass of wine before and take pain reliever immediately after :-)
And fellas, don't feel left out. Evidently male bikini waxing is becoming popular also... :-)

Check this video that shows the facial expressions of people while getting bikini

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