Monday, February 1, 2010

I am Not My HAIR...

30% of Black women site that hair management is the top reason why they do not work out!!!

Alarming statistic! But, I can really relate.
I'm someone that's never had a perm in my life, (except for the times my Mom permed by bang during cheerleading season and my grandma deemed it the reason why she had a heart attack! LOL) I really understand the time that it takes to do our hair.

I finally got the art of doing my hair down to about 1.5 hrs. I have really curly hair and it takes a while to get it straight. Most Black women, spend a significant amount of time AND MONEY in salons. So, sweating it out right after you just paid no less than $50 to get it fix is not what's up!

This leads me to the question of: Why do we get our hair done and so often?
It's because we want to look good! Honestly, those hours that we spend in the salon are really because we are looking to attract men or to keep the one we have attracted to us. Now, think about it. We are willing to gain a few pounds, demand that the lights are always turned out because we simply don't go to the gym and run off that extra tummy weight.

As I've matured and really begun to understand about living a healthy lifestyle, I realize that working out is important and a MUST. Maybe some of these alternative beautiful hair options will help motivate you to get off the couch and "really get it in" (in my lil wayne voice) and go hard in the gym.

Naturally Curly!
My Summer-Do

Lace-front! Wigs, especially lacefronts are becoming more and more popular. They're going to cost you a pretty penny. (Human Hair is no less than $169...But the Indian Remy is going to cost you nothing under $359)
Lace-fronts are my new thing. :-)


A Bun!




These are all looks that we can go with while going hard in the gym.

So ladies, no more excuses! Let's get health conscience in 2010. And remember, health conscience doesn't mean you can't be sexy!


  1. Wow, Really? Hair is keeping sista's out the gym? Who'd a thunk it!

  2. This is the only reason why I don't work out as much as I should! I am thinking about a lace front or some braids because I like working out!

  3. I've heard women make this excuse before (ahem but don't mind getting their hair messed up for other activities with their man). I'm just saying. When my hair was long I would rock the bun. My stylist also told me do not wrap my hair and put on a scard while working out b/c that keeps in all the heat and moisture, hence making the hair frizz. I'm rocking the short now, all the relaxer is almost grown out, and after I work out I get really wavy roots. I heard braids are the way to go though.
