Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Partner Let Me Upgrade U"

*this is a revised post from my old facebook account*

All my female friends are pretty much between the ages of 25 and 30. The age were we all are suppose to be married, engaged, or at least in a serious relationship. Here’s the phenomenon...very few are!!! This generation just refuses to do anything like the generation before us—when most our parents were 18-23 when they married or at least had us. It’s ok...we are attempting to do better than our parents.

A great deal of women that I'm associated with are single, but most of them are not happy about it. I hear all the time complaints of being single and alone. “I’m ready to get married!” “I’m ready to have a baby.” “Where is my husband?!”

I began to think to myself…am I strange? What’s wrong with me? Am I abnormal? I’m 28 years old and I'm not having this "where is HE panic attack!" Now, I’m aware that prince charming could appear at any moment and switch the whole game up…lol…but am I having anxiety waiting and wondering about his whereabouts…NO…I’m not.

My focus is becoming a better me. My thought and belief is that the man that the Lord created for me and the man he wants in my life will not appear until the Lord is ready for him to. I thank the Lord that I haven’t had to put up with a large number of Mr. Wrongs and drama-filled relationships. Because like that old saying goes “ I can do bad by myself.” No need for extra stress.

I’m focusing on me—becoming a little less selfish, more mature in my walk with Christ, and even better in the kitchen…all the things that will make me a better woman, better future wife and mother one day.

So I challenge all the lades that dress up every Friday night in hopes in finding her future mate, those that complain all the time about not having a husband/boyfriend….work on yourself! Focus on being ready for when he appears. Because trust me, when you really pick yourself apart…you probably aren’t ready financially or spiritually. (mind you, since we are marrying later…the expectation of what you do as a woman is much higher. No, it is not acceptable to not know how to cook your man a meal at 31 years old!!!)

To all the single ladies…be thankful the last one didn’t put a ring on it. If it were meant to be and the TIME for it to be, it would be, right? So praise the Lord you didn't end up with Mr. 2009. Because that’s exactly what he was…your ’09 entertainment. Hey, you might not meet Mr. Forever in 2010….but how about you get yourself together and get your grown woman on.

In 2010, Be a DIVA! Work on your womanhood and live and enjoy life!!!! Marriage is (supposed to be) ok with spending a little more time alone. In 2010 become a(n) accomplished, independent, and confident woman. Truly be able to "upgrade him" and be the "compliment to his swag" before wishing to become his other half.

1 comment:

  1. This was well written! I am definitely working on myself, trying to cook more, complete this Master's degree, etc. I am not stressing marriage but I am trying to date more! I have realized that there are some great MEN out there; I have run into a few of them!!!! I am enjoying being single and dating!!!
